What makes your nose runny, eyes watery, ruins your day, and almost chokes you to death? We’re all dreadful of allergies. While you may be making lifestyle changes to improve your health and resistance to them, taking care of your environment is equally crucial in eliminating their onset.

Before the advent of the unforgiving allergy season, follow these cleaning tips to make your home allergen-free:

Image filename: a-room-with-orange-curtains

Image alt text: A deep cleaned room

Deep clean

When it comes to combating wicked allergies, merely dusting won’t do the trick. You need to go all-in with a thorough deep cleaning session. Make sure you use environmentally friendly and moderate bleaches, detergents, and other cleaners to scrub and clean all parts of your home thoroughly. Run a damp microfiber over your couches, ceiling fans, curtains, and blinds to trap the dust instead of spreading it around by dusting.

Get your carpets cleaned

Do you know where dust allergens absolutely love to reside? Yes, your rugs and carpets. Depending on the foot traffic that your carpets get, you should get them washed professionally at least twice every year (more if you have pets and kids). You can also choose to clean them yourself, but that consumes a lot of your time, energy, money, and hard work. The carpet cleaning services at EnviroClean, on the other hand, will do the job in a matter of hours at affordable rates.

A professionally cleaned carpet in a room

Eliminate mold

Mold is the silent encouragement that allergies get from your home. To make your space allergy-proof, it’s crucial that you remove any signs of mold. Reach out to a professional mold remediation service to thoroughly eliminate and prevent mold growth. Since only soap and water won’t be able to control the situation, it’s better if you don’t expose yourself directly to the contaminants.

Cut clutter

Allergens can hide in the piles of books, clothes, and other items that surround you. Organize your space to get rid of dust mites, cockroaches, and other contaminants swiftly. Ensure that you wear masks while going through the material and leave the house for a few hours after you’re done to reduce exposure to the dust kicked in the air.

Invest in professional disinfecting services

One of the most effective ways to ensure your home is clear of any allergens or dust particles is investing in professional disinfecting services. At EnviroClean, we use modern technology to wipe down and sanitize all spaces at your home to eliminate contaminants. We also provide professional carpet cleaning, mold remediation, and water damage restoration services in South Portland at affordable rates.